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みなさん、こんばんは。  どんな休日をすがされましたか?

昨日の雨で、結構、桜が散ってしまいましたね。 寂しい限りです。




もう少し、落ち着いて周りをみてみる必要がありますね。 新たなことが発見出来るかも知れません。





それでは、みなさん。 お休みなさい。。。    また明日、お会いしましょう。

                 The azaleas were in bloom.

Good evening ..everybody... Were you done though did what holiday?

Cherry blossoms have scattered considerably because of yesterday's rain. It is lonely.

However, it was in blossom and discovered [nowo] mountain [tsutsuji] yesterday.

It is already in blossom.

There was an image of the flower that bloomed previously a little more. (Interpreting selfish. )

It is necessary to settle down and to see surroundings a little more. A new thing might be able to be discovered.

It seems to be going to face the recovery from tomorrow though it was a threat of rain and it existed today.

The new car of the car delivery schedule stocks tomorrow this week.

It is a schedule of the enforcement of the installation and the polymer coating of ETC.

I want to work hard and to enforce it though it is strained because it is a new car.

Then, everybody. Have a good night's sleep.  

See you tomorrow.

by kplan3 | 2010-04-12 19:55
<< 気をつけましょう。 二度寝が多い人は・・・・! >>